We understand that some presenters will not be able to make the trip to Ireland to present their research paper, case study, work in progress and report, mainly due to financial and/or political restrictions on travel. IICE-2025 has therefore instituted a virtual presentation system to allow the authors of accepted papers the same publication opportunities as regular presenters. A research works submitted without the participant attending the conference in person, but presented via video conferencing are refereed and published (if accepted) in the conference proceedings. The author(s) of the accepted paper(s) will be required to send us the pre-recorded presentation.

If you would like to present virtually at IICE-2025 in October, kindly submit your proposal before or by the 15th of March, 2025. Notification of acceptance/rejection will be emailed by the 25th of March, 2025.

  • Max. file size: 64 MB.
You can also email your submission (please indicate that the submission is for Virtual presentation):